Bible says not to have abortions
Published 8:50 am Friday, September 19, 2008
What would you think of a man who kills newborn babies just as they are being born? Not only are they killed, but in a cruel manner without anesthesia or painkiller. These are full-term babies. As unbelievable as that may sound, it’s being done in America, and it’s called, “partial-birth abortions.” This is a heinous crime against humanity. According to the Bible one of the sins that God hates the most is the shedding of innocent blood (see Proverbs 6:16-17). Who would be cruel enough to do such a thing? Whoever it is, they have the full support and approval of Barack Obama. Barack voted against banning partial-birth abortion in Oct 2007. In July 2006 he voted NO on notifying parents of minors who get out-of-state abortions. In March 2008 he voted NO on prohibiting minors crossing state lines for abortion. In the Illinois Senate he voted against a bill that would prevent tax dollars from being used for abortions. He voted four times in the Illinois Senate against a bill that would provide protection for a baby that survived the abortion. (Without any compassion!) The Bible clearly states in Romans 1:32 that it’s not just those who do evil deeds that are guilty, but also those who approve of them. Barack, and the Democratic Party, supports and approves of partial-birth abortion and is therefore as guilty in shedding innocent blood as the doctors who perform the murderous deeds. To vote for Barack is to give your approval of partial-birth abortions and in voting for him you’ll be partaking in the guilt of shedding innocent blood. The Bible also says that we must all stand before the judgement seat of God and give an account of everything we did, 2 Corinthians 5:10. That includes how we voted.
Donald Werner