City has no right to tell homeowners what to do

Published 3:41 pm Saturday, September 13, 2008

This letter comes from a frustrated homeowner:

What right does any city official have, telling us homeowners what we can do for a hobby or what type of toys our kids can have in our yard?

According to them everything is junk! Does it make sense to own your own home? No! Someone is still telling you how to live and what you can do with your life. According to the city, hobbies are considered a business and kids can’t play with their own toys in their yard! Bunch of malarky!

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I think they should all get together and look into the ordinances. Seems like whenever there’s a problem, they send someone new and the ordinances come across differently. Wow!

Everything is complaint-based. If complaints are coming from the city cops, workers, council members, etc., then I feel they are getting paid too much to drive around and waste the taxpayers money. Let’s just keep raising the taxes to justify buying new vehicles to put gas in and drive around looking for stuff like this. The city cops can’t even catch a robber who robs a store in broad daylight but can always pick on the littlest guys in town.

Also, if you have problems with the area you live in, you are to take it to your councilman. The councilman shows up and says he’ll reply, that’s crap, too! Too bad we have had to use a different councilman to get things accomplished! Thanks, Al Brooks! Our hats go off to you!

This all is why our city doesn’t gain more people! We want a growing community, but we want our own lives too!

Heather Nielsen

Albert Lea