Editorial: You don’t like to squander taxes?
Published 8:50 am Wednesday, September 17, 2008
The surge in Iraq is working. We all know that.
But the surge alone shouldn’t get all the credit. A major factor for the decrease in violence is the almighty dollar. We Americans have been paying former Sunni insurgents to not attack Shiite and American targets. With the extra income, these guys are living high off the hog.
This is the best way to spend our tax dollars?
What’s going to happen when a leader one day is going to have to cut them off? Sorry, the cash cow is dead. We need the money back home. Will the bombing return? Let’s hope not.
By the way, what’s this war about? Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. It had no weapons of mass destruction. Everyone knows these things now. Securing the oil interests of the wealthy is what this war has been about all along.
In other another example of leaders squandering away American tax dollars, the Federal Reserve Board has decided to bail out American International Group Inc., an insurance firm commonly known as AIG.
This is a company that plastered commercials all over TV promising Americans the safety of the company’s decision. The company was about to go under because it was in the risky market of insuring against bond defaults. The Federal Reserve on Tuesday decided that you, the American taxpayer, can come to rescue.
Mr. and Mrs. Brown down the street are about to go under and could lose their house. Where’s their bailout? The mom-and-pop business on the corner went under. Where was their bailout? Where was our federal government when the farmers were going under in droves in the 1980s? The answer to all these three scenarios: That’s the risk you take.
In American, there is a greater safety net for the wealthy than the poor. We get so caught up in misspending a few tax dollars for people on the bottom we don’t even notice the billions we are throwing away to support the people at the top. We have been giving away this country to the wealthy for too long. It’s time to invest in the people.