Permits issued for new homes, plus funeral home

Published 9:03 am Friday, September 5, 2008

Highlights for county building permits issued during August were for five new homes and five home additions.

The highlight in August for the City of Albert Lea Inspection Department was a building permit with a valuation of $350,000 issued to Bonnerup Funeral Service for interior remodeling of the building at 2210 E. Main St. for its future location.

Freeborn County Planning and Zoning Office’s August report shows 22 building permits were issued with a listed valuation of $1,311,647. This increases the estimated valuation of county-issued permits to $5,834,537 for the first seven months of the year.

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This amount now exceeds the total of $5,740,920 listed for all county permits issued during 2007.

During August the city’s Inspection Department issued 39 building permits with a valuation of $986,710. This increases the total valuation for permits to $8,793,684 for the first seven months of the year.

At the end of August 2007, the city report shows a total valuation of $18,891,770 for building permits issued.

A building permit with a valuation of $66,500 was issued in August to Alamco Wood Products, 1410 W. Ninth St., for a 36 foot by 46 foot addition.

Albert Lea Senior Housing was issued a permit during August with a valuation of $55,300 for the installation of a fire sprinkler system in the building now being constructed at 608 S. Washington Ave.