See museum’s changes at Autumn in the Village

Published 8:35 am Thursday, September 18, 2008

Having served on the Board of Directors of the Freeborn County Historical Museum under Bev Jackson, who worked to establish the museum for many years, and now serving under Pat Mulso, who has taken our museum to a whole new level, I would like to invite you all to stop out and see the many changes that have taken place.

New exhibits have been added and current exhibits have been relocated. There is increased memberships and increased use of the building by outside groups. There have been many repairs and maintenance of our beautiful village, just to name a few changes. These changes have taken place because of our current staff devotes so much of their time, talent and commitment to the museum, but mostly because of the generous donations by many individuals and also current members who have, for years, seen the value of preserving our past.

I encourage all of you to make it a point to stop out at the museum, look around, ask questions or have staff members explain the exciting plans for our future.

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Also, join us on Sunday, Sept. 21, for Autumn in the Village. See firsthand the true gem that we in Freeborn County have.

Again, thank you to the many volunteers, donors and members for your unselfish acts and deeds shown to our museum.

Todd Domke


Freeborn County

Historical Museum

Albert Lea