USC FFA sets farm safety program for Sept. 23
Published 9:07 am Tuesday, September 9, 2008
The United South Central FFA farm safety program will be Tuesday, Sept. 23, from 8:30 to 11:45 a.m. and 12:30 to 3 p.m. on the west side of USC High School in Wells. Highlights will include: PTO safety, tractor runovers, auger safety, flowng grain safety, ATV/snowmobile safety, combine safety, lawmower safety, fire and ambulance safety, electricity safety.
The farm safety program is presented by the USC FFA senior class. The prorgram runs during National Farm Safety Week. The program raises awareness to the many dangers that can occur in rural Minnesota. It will be given to approximately 500 K-8 students from USC Elementary, USC Middle School and St. Casimir’s Catholic School of Wells. This program has received State and National FFA recognition for excellence and was awarded a National Youth Safety Award.
The public is invited. For information, call (507) 553-5819 and ask for Dan Dylla, USC FFA advisor, or e-mail at