District 241 launches new Web page

Published 9:02 am Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The new District 241 Web page, AlbertLea.K12.mn.us, has been over a year in development by the Web page subcommittee and reviewed by the district administrative team, community curriculum and instruction team, district technology team and the Albert Lea School Board with numerous modifications.

Art work on the page was developed by Mark Blong, Sibley elementary art teacher, and development of the page was completed by Doug Kenison, district network specialist. 

A site map was added to the upper right hand corner. The site map is  a one page document map with hot links to all links on the main page. 

Email newsletter signup

It is the district’s plan to update all Web pages as time permits to allow greater continuity as guests and future parents move from page to page.

Sixth-graders attend conference

On Oct. 21. Sibley’s sixth grade attended the fourth annual science and nature conference at Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter. This event is sponsored by the South Central Service Cooperative out of Mankato. Students had the opportunity to hear Ann Bancroft speak. She was the first woman to travel both the North and South Poles. Sibley students, teachers, and chaperones had an opportunity to attend several breakout sessions they might be interested in. These sessions ranged from robotic design and engineering, learning about Minnesota glaciers, to the power of the wind.

It was a great educational extension opportunity that would not be available had it not been for the financial assistance of ALMC and Lou-Rich. Their combined total donations paid for 80 percent of this trip. Sibley’s PTO also assisted with some of the cost.