Librari-Anns hear about local man’s work in Nepal
Published 9:08 am Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Church Librari-Anns met July 23 at Central Freeborn Lutheran Church. Gale Nelson gave devotions based on Matthew.
Dr. Earl Thompson presented a program on his work in Nepal, which began in 1984. Many have volunteered with him, so he has seen progress in his work. The greatest need is education; 10 more libraries are needed at a cost of $500 per library. All books are printed in the native language and stored in tin boxes due to rodents and extreme weather conditions.
These books were awarded: “The Happy Room,” Alice Gulbrandson of East Freeborn Lutheran Church; “Accompanied by Angels,” Bev Oyer of Oakland Lutheran Church; “What the Bible Says About Money,” Virginia Hermanson of First Lutheran of Albert Lea; and “Second Chance,” Colbi Wangen of Hollandale Christian Reformed Church.
The next meeting will be at 1:30 p.m. Thursday at East Freeborn Lutheran Church. The program will be presented by the Rev. David Hernes. He will share some of his experiences of when he taught in Tanzania. Door prizes will be awarded. Lunch will be served. All are welcome to attend.