Obama will take your money away
Published 8:56 am Friday, October 31, 2008
This letter is written to ask everyone to think about the direction they want our country to go before voting. I cannot vote for Barack Obama, the most liberal and inexperienced presidential nominee in living memory. We have not been attacked since Sept. 11, 2001, but just a week ago Obama’s running mate, Joe Biden, warned us that Obama’s youth and inexperience will invite a crisis to test him. Obamabelieves that the government can do a better job spending your money then you can. Obama believes in taking your money and giving it to anyone who makes less then you do. This is a very dangerous path. What will be the incentive to achieve? Why should you work hard and then see your money taken from you and given to others? If Obama is elected, he will be joined by Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi to take our country in a whole new direction and our way of life will change drastically forever.
Think about experience and direction before casting your vote. Who do you trust answering the 3 a.m. call in the White House and leading our country? The choices are: John Sidney McCain, a tested and experienced statesman, or Barack Hussein Obama, who was a senator for 143 days and worked for ACORN. The challenges ahead of us are too big and complex for on the job training. Choose experience. Choose John McCain.
Neal Breitbarth