Randy Erdman has Albert Lea on track

Published 9:02 am Thursday, October 23, 2008

I would encourage all of Albert Lea citizens to go out and vote and keep Randy Erdman in office as mayor of your fine city. I believe Albert Lea is on the move to better things and I believe that Mr. Erdman has been a positive influence in this area. He is consistent in his actions, represents Albert Lea in a professional manner and is interested in the city of Albert Lea and the surrounding areas as he has attended most if not all of the local league of city meetings.

I have attended some of these meetings as mayor of Conger and he has been in attendance and has made suggestions or given directions to help other areas as well as Albert Lea. It does take a lot of time and commitment to hold office for a person to do all the he does for Albert Lea you as citizens are very lucky to have a devoted mayor. I believe that he is proactive to the current events and future ideas and possibilities.

City governments have had to make many unpopular decisions as far as taxes go mostly due to the decrease in local government aid and costs keep going up so to keep what you have costs the citizens. As far as the preagenda/workshop meetings go, more power to them. Decisions cannot be made at them; it is to educate the council ask questions and if more information is needed before a regular City Council meeting then the council people have time to do their research between the meetings. This allows decisions to be made at the City Council meetings versus prolonging subjects till the next meeting or longer time frame.

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Change takes time and I have seen change in a positive direction since Mr. Erdman has been in office. Albert Lea keep a good thing going vote for Randy Erdman as mayor, if affects us all!

Carla Lindeman

