What future will Obama leave?

Published 8:51 am Friday, October 31, 2008

“Ask not, what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.”

Famous words by President John F. Kennedy, and I wonder what he would say today when we have 40 percent of our country who do not pay taxes. I am fortunate and do pay taxes and I would not be against paying higher taxes, if it were used to create more and better paying jobs. I am against sending stimulus checks to 95 percent of the people by giving them a tax credit. Many of this 95 percent do not pay taxes to support their country. There is a new saying today, “Send me an check and let someone else pay for it.” How can we hope to build pride in ourselves and in our country, when we want someone else to pay for the things we want? Is this the new philosophy of the Democrats and Barack Obama? What future do our grandchildren have when we leave them this way of thinking?

Alan Arends

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Albert Lea