Get used to tripartisan politics, Democrats
Published 9:34 am Friday, November 14, 2008
As a voting citizen in a “free” country, I am appalled, disappointed and angry at the way this Senate race is being carried out.
You can ask U.S. Senate candidate Dean Barkley about the phone calls he is getting at his office. Some very unhappy Democrats are making angry phone calls to Barkley for getting all those votes that these people think belong to Democrats.
There is way too much intolerance between the two parties and to attack a third party is beyond conscientiousness. Last time I checked, it was a free country, and the last time I checked, there is nothing in the Constitution dictating that there shall be only a two-party system and that you are only allowed to vote either Democrat or Republican.
Is it any wonder that people are fed up with both parties? Then to sit there, whining, pouting and stomping your feet like an upset child, when people have the right to vote for whomever they want just because their “guy” couldn’t run an effective campaign.
As a citizen of this country, I have the right to vote for the candidate of my choice. If you can’t field a quality candidate that can win my vote, than another party will.
The media is covering too much style and not enough substance. Especially when it comes to candidates of other parties. How can independent-minded voters get sufficient candidate information if our newspapers don’t cover all the candidates equally and their positions, fully?
To our friends in the Democratic Party: You’re going to have to understand that the Independence Party, Libertarian Party and Constitution Party are here to stay. If you don’t want our parties to grow — as they are now — then stop your mindless bickering and get the people’s work done in a bipartisan way. Or it will soon be the tripartisan way.
Derek Nelson