More election results

Published 2:54 pm Saturday, November 8, 2008

U.S. President

Electorial College votes percent

Obama/Biden, D 364 53

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McCain/Palin, R 163 46

Nader/Gonzalez, I 0 0

Barr/Root, Lib. 0 0

Total 527

Popular Vote

Obama/Biden, D 63,444,462 52.34

McCain/Palin, R 56,126,680 46.31

Nader/Gonzalez, I 657,073 0.54

Other 491,280 0.41

Barr/Root, Lib. 487,658 0.40

Total 121,207,153

— Electoral and popular figures based on various sources. Figures could change as processing continues nationwide.

U.S. President: Minnesota results

Obama/Biden, D 1,573,288 54.06

McCain/Palin, R 1,275,392 43.82

Nader/Gonzalez, I 30,154 1.04

write-in 9,496 0.33

Barr/Root, Lib. 9,176 0.32

Baldwin/Castle, Con. 6,787 0.23

McKinney/Clemente 5,172 0.18

Calero/Kennedy 790 0.03

Keyes/Rorbaugh 15 0.00

Montgomery/Mont. 1 0.00

Moore/Alexander 1 0.00

Schriner/Way 1 0.00

Total 2,910,273

U.S. Senator from Minnesota

Norm Coleman, R 1,211,556 41.99

Al Franken, DFL 1,211,335 41.98

Dean Barkley, IP 437,385 15.16

Charles Aldrich, Lib. 13,916 0.48

James Niemackl, Con. 8,906 0.31

write-in 2,340

Anthony Keith Price 12

Michael Cavlan 1

Total 2,885,451

Congressional District 1

Tim Walz, DFL 207,749 62.50

Brian Davis, R 109,451 32.93

Gregory Mikkelson 14,904 4.48

write-in 290 0.09

Total 332,394

House District 27A

Robin Brown, DFL 10,960 57.65

Erik Larsen, R 8,031 42.24

write-in 20 0.11

Total 19,011

House District 24B

Tony Cornish, R 10,275 51.18

John Branstad, DFL 9,781 48.72

write-in 21 0.10

Total 20,077

— Minnesota figures from Minnesota Secretary of State’s Office.