Presbyterian Women

Published 2:28 pm Saturday, December 13, 2008

Presbyterian Women of Albert Lea met on Dec. 3 for their annual Christmas gathering.  The program featured voice, violin and piano music by Sharon Astrup-Scott. Bob Blankers played accompaniment for the vocal numbers.

Members of Ruth Circle, chaired by Marge Lukecart, prepared and served the dessert luncheon.  Members had brought homemade Christmas cookies which were delivered to Presbyterian Women and other church members who were unable to attend.

The circles will hold regular meetings in January and a general “gathering” of all circles will be held on Feb. 4.

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The program that day will be a talk by Dr. Denise Buruse on “Wound Care — Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.” Lydia Circle will serve as hostesses.

All women of the church and guests are welcome to attend any of these events.  Yearbooks are still available on the table by the pastor’s office.  These list women of First Presbyterian as well as information about the programs and special events planned.