Remembering my dear friend, Phil Bartusek
Published 8:47 am Thursday, December 18, 2008
My friend Phil Bartusek will go to heaven. I know he will go to heaven because he is a great person. I will miss Phil because he always had a smile on his face and he inspired me with his courageous fight with cancer. Mary Bartusek is a very kind woman. Please keep her and Phil’s family in your prayer’s today.
I met Phil and his wife a few years ago when they were United Way co-chairpersons. They both had so much drive and determination. They, to me, were what United Way was all about — dedication, giving, living united.
Watching Phil during Keep the Fires Burning with that goofy “Fargo”-type hunting hat on was just enough to help you want to stay out in the cold for a few more minutes. The funniest story I think I ever heard was at the United Way end of the year celebration two years ago when Phil told us the story about Leon (a good friend of United Way) and how he won the state fair gardening contest for growing the biggest, I think it was a zucchini, and during the acceptance speech when the announcer asked him what his secret was, he said, “It was easy. I just bought it at Nelson’s County Market.” Well, that just brought the house down and had everyone in tears, laughing.
Phil, today you have everyone in tears again, you will be missed.
Phil, enjoy heaven as you have enjoyed your time with family and friends.
For sale
Illinois Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich gave me a fantastic idea about how to make some extra money during these tough economic times. As of today I am selling my Albert Lea-Freeborn County Chamber of Commerce seat to the highest bidder.
I was going to start at a small sum of, say, $5,000, but I thought, no, why would I limit myself to such a low bid, so it is up to you, public. Please send me a sealed envelope to my office or just e-mail me what you would like to pay and the highest bidder as of Jan. 15, 2009, gets my seat.
I will need to see at least two forms of ID if you are paying with a personal check.
Oh, and I also will donate 25 percent of my profits to the United Way.
Who say’s politicians are not helping our economy — way to go Rod.
Please everyone take some time during this holiday season to remember the true meaning of Christmas. Please try to give or pay it forward to someone less fortunate than you. I know it gets so hard because of everyone’s hectic schedule to stop and be thankful for everything you have, but please slow down and give your family some time and while you are at it, show them the gift of giving in ways that are much different than presents. Give your kids and family undivided attention to what they are doing.
Reconnection to family during the holidays is about the best present you could give. Many of you will have kids home from college. Stop and talk to them about what is really going on in their lives. If you have little ones, stop and play chutes and ladders or read to them.
Heck, just lie down near your tree and look at the lights. Play with the dogs, cats, just sleep in one day and put your family first.
Tribune Publisher Scott Schmeltzer’s column appears every Thursday.