Albert Lean elected association treasurer

Published 9:05 am Saturday, January 3, 2009

Janet Zehnder, Albert Lea, has been re-elected treasurer of The Minnesota Gymanfa Ganu Association (Minnesota Welsh Association) for 2008-09.

The MGGA plans the annual Welsh Weekend of Song for the 4th Sunday in September. The 2008 WWS which recognized the participation of area church choirs had the largest attendance in many years. One of the highlights of the 2008 WWS was the participation of the 45-voice St. Peter Choral Society under the direction of Sarah Hayden McKay.

For more information about the MGGA from the recently published fall newsletter, contact Dr. Ellis Jones, MGGA Newsletter Editor, 301 S. Washington Ave., Apt. 205, St. Peter, MN, 56082 or e-mail at

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