Editorial: Writing never goes out of style
Published 8:47 am Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Here are some good quotations pertaining to the First Amendment:
“Good writing, detailed reporting and in general great storytelling are never going to go out of style.” — Michael Wilbon, sports columnist, The Washington Post, 2007
“The Founding Fathers may have been predominantly Christian, but they went out of their way to make sure that the Constitution didn’t favor any religion over another.” — Ron Eachus, columnist, Statesman Journal, Salem, Ore., 2007
“To the extent that we’re now judging journalists by the same standards that we apply to entertainment — in other words, give the public what it wants, not necessarily what it ought to hear, what it ought to see, what it needs, but what it wants — that may prove to be one of the greatest tragedies in the history of American journalism.” — Ted Koppel, former anchor, ABC News, 2006
“When someone tells me they get their news from the Internet, I want to say, ‘Oh yeah? So, tell me again, how many reporters does Yahoo have at City Hall? How many correspondents from Google are risking their lives in Iraq?” — David Zeeck, executive editor, The News Tribune, Tacoma, Wash., 2007
“Those who suppress the free flow of information will eventually be deprived of the right to know by the workings of their own systems and this is one of the reasons why no autocratic system can sustain itself for a long time.” — Yang Jianli, chairman, Foundation for China in the 21st Century, 2000
“We believe that the more transparency there is in the system, the better the system functions on behalf of the American people.” — George W. Bush, 43rd U.S. president, 2006