New city council discusses rules and procedures
Published 3:38 pm Saturday, January 10, 2009
With a new mayor and two new councilors seated on the Albert Lea City Council, councilors delved into discussions Thursday about whether to change council rules and procedures.
The rules and procedures deal with how complaints, questions and input will be handled from the public, as well as with rules of order for both council members and the public during meetings.
They also deal with the controversial Thursday preagenda workshops that are currently held before each council meeting.
The preagenda workshop, along with how to conduct the public forum portion of council meetings, have been a point of discussion for the past few years.
New Albert Lea Mayor Mike Murtaugh said several of these issues came up during his campaign, and they will more than likely come up again.
“As you know I do have some different feelings about some of these procedures — in particular this meeting,” Murtaugh said.
Because the preagenda meeting is part of the council’s current procedure he is following it, but “I think we owe it to the people of Albert Lea to consider some alternatives,” he said.
Newly seated 3rd Ward Councilor Ellen Kehr said in her opinion, the council should keep the Thursday workshop because there is so much information to learn.
“I don’t have any kind of problem with the workshop,” Kehr said. “I want to hear from staff as much as possible.”
On the other hand, she said, she does have a problem with the order of business during the council meetings.
She said she thinks moving the public forum to the beginning of the meeting — or at least closer to the beginning of the meeting — is a respectful thing to do for the public.
“Oftentimes these meetings get very long,” Kehr said.
She also pointed out that she thinks the time limit for the public forum is a short and should be a little bit longer.
Councilor Reid Olson said the two-minute rule currently in place has never affected anyone who has wanted more time. They just have to ask for it.
It’s been a general guideline for people so they won’t stand at the podium and talk all night, Olson said.
Kehr added that she thinks when the council is voting on a large issue, it should not vote on an issue right after a public hearing about that issue. The council should wait two weeks.
Murtaugh said he agreed with that topic, noting that an additional two weeks would give time for additional public input and time for the issue to sink in.
Newly seated 5th Ward Councilor Larry Anderson, along with 6th Ward Councilor Al Brooks, 2nd Ward Councilor Larry Baker and 1st Ward Councilor Vern Rasmussen, did not make any comments on the issue.
The group decided they would not vote on implementing any new procedures at the Monday meeting, and at this time would continue discussions about the issues.
The current resolution about the council rules and procedures indicates the presiding officer may vary the order of business at his own discretion, but all public hearings will be held at the time specified.
Murtaugh indicated he plans to move the public forum toward the beginning.
He will have to do this on a meeting-by-meeting basis, unless new rules and procedures about that are passed by the entire council.
During the Monday meeting, the council will:
– Vote on whether to adopt a green mission and vision for the city.
The mission statement is one that the city’s green committee has formed. The committee is made up of representatives of each city department and Randy Tuchtenhagen with Environmental Services in Freeborn County.
The mission statement that the committee is requesting states, “The City of Albert Lea recognizes that a healthy environment and responsible use of the earth’s resources is critical to sustain the present and future population. The mission of the city’s green committee is to continuously protect and improve the environmental well-being of our community by identifying and implementing sustainable policies and practices in our daily work environment, which impact positively on the environment.”
Simonsen said the city is working to embrace strategies that are environmentally friendly and that will sustain the community longer.
– Consider a request by the Albert Lea Art Center Christmas Tree Committee to store boxes containing artificial Christmas trees in the Freeborn National Bank and Jacobson buildings.
Simonsen said the request entails that Art Center volunteers would take care of moving and packaging the trees as well as removing them when a permanent occupant is found for the buildings.
She said from a staff perspective, she doesn’t think the city should allow a nonprofit to use public space. She noted there is also a liability issue, where if something were to happen in the building, the city would be responsible for the Art Center’s belongings.
Councilor Larry Baker said as much as he’d like to support the Art Center, he has a problem with the request because it would set a precedence.
Simonsen said the request is coming because of a disagreement between the Art Center and the building’s owner.
– Select the mayor pro tempore for the council. The mayor pro tempore serves as mayor in the mayor’s disability or absence from the city or when a vacancy in the office exists.
Councilor Al Brooks has served in this position for four years.
– Vote on setting the value of one acre of undeveloped land.
Simonsen explained that when the city has a new development, it charges a parkland value or a parkland dedication fee.
Staff are recommending the value be set at $10,000. It was $7,500 in 2008, she said. The city manager said staff are not aware of any property sold at under $8,500 per acre of undeveloped land.
– Vote on appointments to the Albert Lea Port Authority Board of Directors.
The Port Authority is requesting Keith Fligge and Vern Rasmussen be re-appointed to the board.
Fligge’s term would be for six years, and Rasmussen’s term would be for four years.
– Name the official newspaper for 2009.
– Authorize bond payments for 2009. This will allow staff to make bond payments as they become due throughout the year.
– Vote on a resolution declaring council members covered by the Minnesota Worker’s Compensation law.
– Recognize Albert Lea Finance Director Rhonda Moen for being awarded a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in financial reporting by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada. The award is for the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 2007.
– Recognize Gail Rasmussen, an Albert Lea Public Library clerk, for 40 years of dedicated public service at the library.
She was even a page at the old Carnegie Library.
– Call a public hearing for an order for removal at 316 Railroad Ave. on Jan. 26.
– Vote on whether to accept admission and proposed order for Chaser IV LLC.
– Vote on ratifying the action of the city manager for the “Can Drive for Cancer” by the Albert Lea Eagles Club.