Nominate a hero in your community

Published 8:31 am Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Our country is facing tough times and everyone is feeling the effect. As the need for services and support grows, individuals across the country continue to give their time, energy and talents to ensure their communities remain great places to live and work.

Too often, these important efforts go unrecognized. As we strive to make our communities better, it’s essential that those who go above and beyond know they are valued and appreciated. And as citizens, it’s our job to shine the light on individuals who exemplify the spirit of community contribution.

Today, take the time to honor those who have distinguished themselves through their service by nominating an Alliance Pipeline Community Hero. The annual Community Hero award recognizes extraordinary people making a difference in our lives through volunteerism and charitable work. Previous Community Heroes have been honored for working to make their cities a safer place to live, providing holiday gifts to underprivileged children, building infrastructure, raising funds for nonprofit organizations, mentoring youth and more.

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As you begin 2009, take a few minutes to reflect on the groups, organizations and efforts that make your community a place where you feel safe, cared for and at home. Then think about the individuals responsible for ensuring those feelings continue, even in the face of uncertainty. These elements are what make our communities places we can be proud of. Thank those that lead projects, provide new ideas and tackle problems; those that devote their resources and partner with others to ensure that the communities continue to thrive. These people are truly Community Heroes.

One Community Hero will be announced in North Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa and Illinois, and each recipient will receive a $2,500 award donation to the approved charity of their choice. To nominate a Community Hero in your area or to find out more about previous winners, visit All submissions must be received by

Jan. 16, 2009.

We have the ability — and the responsibility — to create and sustain communities that make a difference in the world, but it can only be done if we make a difference in our communities first. Nominate your Community Hero today.

Rick Bartlett

area manager

Alliance Pipeline

North Mankato