Editorial: Progress progress, online racks, and more
Published 8:40 am Friday, February 6, 2009
It’s time for a few updates about what going on with your Albert Lea Tribune:
♦ Progress comes out Feb. 22. Longtime readers know this is an extra-special, extra-large edition that has a lot of shelf life. In other words, it takes a while to read all the great stories about people, faith, education, health, business and the community.
The work for Progress begins months in advance, and most of it is already done. We are close to wrapping up the heavy lifting for Progress 2009.
And like in past years, we have plenty of cool stuff to read: hockey moms, Operation Respect, snowplows, Chief Deputy Gene Arnold, tanning salons, Bridon Cordage, plastic surgery, Waldorf College sports, too name a few.
One particularly neat item is a Q&A session with all the past and present legislators.
♦ To sell the Albert Lea Tribune on the streets, the newspaper has to be where the customers go: convenience stores, post offices, restaurants and other key places. Newsracks often do the job.
With the Internet version of the paper, we work to get AlbertLeaTribune.com available at the places people go online. Call these online newsracks, if you will.
That is why you can find the Tribune on social-networking sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.
Not only do these social sites help readers stay in touch with the Tribune, they can keep up on the local headlines, find special tidbits and talk to other readers. If you are a Tribune readers, it’s nice to connect with other Tribune readers from across the globe.
You hear a lot about the economic impact on newspapers, but the glossed-over fact is the content they offer is being by more people than ever, thanks to the World Wide Web.
♦ And as always, we want you to know we sincerely thank you for reader your local community newspaper.