Southwest Middle School gears up for Tiger Trot
Published 8:38 am Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Southwest Middle School staff and students are gearing up for the third annual Tiger Trot. The school doesn’t sell pizzas, candy, or frozen goods anymore for fundraising; the Tiger Trot is the only fundraiser. SWMS racers will be collecting pledges to support the school’s activity fund. This fund helps support student field trips (like seventh-aders to the Guthrie Theater), Courage Retreat for eighth-graders, assemblies, and other student needs. All race participants are asked to consider making a donation to this fund.
The Tiger Trot is a 5K fun run/walk for students, their families, community members, and anyone else who enjoys being active and healthy. It will be held Saturday, April 18, starting at Brookside School at 9 a.m. The course will run through beautiful residential neighborhoods and by Fountain Lake. The Tiger Trot is registered with “Runner’s World” on line, and registration forms have been sent to people from around Minnesota.
Starting soon, students will be contacting businesses for pledge support and sponsorship. Last year some businesses even encouraged their employees to participate while getting wellness bonus points for it.
On March 6, Southwest will have an assembly to inform all students of the Tiger Trot program. Sixth-graders at all four elementary schools will hear about it near the end of March, as we encourage their participation because they will be at SWMS next year. Registration forms will be due by March 20, though late forms will be accepted up to race day. The registration fee is $3 for SWMS students and Albert Lea sixth-graders; $15 for everyone else (late form fees are $5 and $20). You are also guaranteed a free T-shirt if you register early.
Awards will go to the top three male and females in each age division. The Tiger Trot is run in conjunction with the Fountain Lake 5, sponsored by the YMCA. Medals for both are made by SWMS art students.