V.F.W. Auxiliary notes
Published 10:18 am Tuesday, February 17, 2009
The Veteran of Foreign Wars Ladies Auxiliary to Freemond Madson Post 447 met Feb. 9 at the American Legion hall. Betty Jones presided.
There was no January meeting due to bad weather. Treasurer Beverly Boone acted as secretary-treasurer for this meeting.
The charter was draped for three deceased auxiliary sisters: Evelyn Iverson, Darlene Juveland, and Lila Glantz.
The auxiliary donated $50 to the local fireman T-shirts for first-graders.
Two memberships to the V.F.W. National Children’s and Widows Home in Lansing, Mich., will be purchased and presented to two members.
Minnesota V.F.W. posts and auxiliaries will hold a Legislative Day at the Minnesota State Capitol on Wednesday, March 18. If enough people sign up, a district bus will leave the Wal-Mart area at 6:30 a.m. for a fee of $5. Betty Jones 377-1054, needs a count by Feb. 25.
April 4 at Cannon Falls Post 4452 will be the joint testimonial dinner for District Auxiliary President Laurie Dale and District Commander Gary Rehder. May 9 is the District Auxiliary President and Commanders dinner. May 1, 2 and 3 are the dates of the First District Convention and Loyalty Days observance at Cannon Falls. The Minnesota V.F.W. conventions will be held in June in Rochester. Muriel Eugen served lunch and Betty Jones received the door prize. The xext meeting will be March 9 at 7 p.m.