Appleton unit will be going to Iraq

Published 8:38 am Friday, March 6, 2009

Your local newspaper has agreed to share this article with the local populace for a specific reason. National Guard soldiers throughout Minnesota, including your area, will be deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom in April 2009. If you know a soldier attached or assigned to the Minnesota National Guard unit in Appleton, the information in this article is targeted for you and your community. The Freedom Support Group in Appleton was established during the last deployment a few years ago. The main purpose of our group is to support all military families and their soldiers. Our goal is to ensure that all soldiers and families who have given of themselves in order to ensure our freedom have the support they need, and above all, to guarantee that the families and soldiers are not alone.

In an effort to meet the needs of all soldiers attached or assigned to the Appleton unit, we are asking for your assistance, whether your assistance is personal or monetary. If you are a charitable gambling organization, monetary efforts can be made payable to “Big Stone Area Growth.” Individual donations, if in the form of a check, can be made payable to “Appleton Freedom Support Group.” All donations can be mailed to Vickie Brustuen, treasurer, 535 180th Ave. NW, Holloway, MN 56249.

All donations will be used to help defray the costs for various soldier events and to assist the soldier’s families during the deployment of the soldiers.

Email newsletter signup

Please help us work towards a successful deployment for the soldiers and their families. Additional information regarding the Freedom Support Group can be found on our Web site at

Vickie Brustuen

Freedom Support Group
