Girls’ hockey team had a great season

Published 10:03 am Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I would like to congratulate the girls’ hockey team for having a great season. Having a 2-7 record at the beginning of the season, it seemed like they had a slim chance of making. They proved me wrong by making it to the section finals. Being the only girls’ hockey team to make it to the section championship game since 2003 is a great accomplishment. It’s a shame the girls couldn’t come out as section champs.

I would also like to congratulate coach Brian Blatti and assistant coach Brittany Arendt. Without them the Tigers wouldn’t of got this far. I believe with the returning players and some new players that will be moving up the Tigers should have a great season next year. I believe they have a good chance of making it to the state tournament next year.

Spencer Overgaard

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Albert Lea