Should state dollars go to ‘wet house’?

Published 3:42 pm Saturday, March 7, 2009

How do your local taxpayers feel about spending $8 million of state taxes on building a new housing complex in Rochester for chronic alcoholics? The proposed “wet house” will house up to 40 chronic alcoholics and provide them with shelter, meals, laundry and other services. Some of these alcoholics have been though treatment 10, 15 and even 20 times, partially at taxpayer expense, but continue to drink.

They will be allowed to drink in the “wet house.” Olmsted County plans to build this new facility next to the children’s soccer and baseball fields. Why am I writing to you? Because according to Olmsted County “no local tax dollars will be used, the money will come from state tax dollars.” So I am curious: How do the taxpayers in “greater Minnesota” feel about $8 million of your money being spend to house and feed 40 chronic alcoholics in Rochester? Call or write your congressman today.

June Halverson

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