Building at Morin Park should be for parks
Published 8:54 am Monday, April 27, 2009
I’m writing this letter to ask for the support of the community and the City Council to let the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 447 adopt Morin Park and let the VFW use the Parks and Recreation Department building there for a place that veterans can get to gather and socialize and increase VFW membership, also for fundraisers so we can help veterans in our community and the VFW park.
Currently the VFW has no building in Albert Lea, but the former warming house at Morin Park is not being properly utilized. The city is using it for a carpentry shop and not for park activities. Currently, Albert Lea has no adopt-a-park program, but other cities like Rochester has them. The adopt-a-park program gives the opportunity to help with cleaning up litter and also to help report any vandalism and unsafe conditions in the park and makes the park better for the community.
What can you do to help? Call the Parks and Recreation at 377-4370 and the City Council members. Their numbers are Mayor Mike Murtaugh at 377-2590, Councilor Vern Rasmussen at 377-1540, Councilor Larry Baker at 377-1397, Councilor Ellen Kehr 377-8643, Councilor Reid Olson 373-2769, Councilor Larry Anderson at 377-2392, Councilor Al Brooks at 373-9024 and tell them to support a VFW park.
Thank you for your support.
Ryan Sabinish
Iraq War veteran
Veterans of Foreign Wars
Albert Lea