Drive promotes holding conventions in Minn.

Published 8:33 am Thursday, April 2, 2009

Recently Gov. Tim Pawlenty joined with representatives of the convention and tourism industries to announce a new effort to encourage local corporate leaders to hold their meetings in Minnesota.

The Meet in Minnesota campaign highlights the hundreds of meeting venues all across the state that accommodate business needs. Minnesota has a wide selection of facilities including those in an easily-accessible urban setting, a backcountry camping retreat, an all-inclusive resort, or a progressive business center.

The new marketing effort will include various public relations efforts including the creation of and promotion of the Meet in Minnesota theme to companies throughout the state. Albert Lea is included in this site.

Email newsletter signup

Meet in Minnesota was created by Explore Minnesota Tourism in partnership with Minnesota convention and visitors bureaus, corporate leaders and meeting venues across the state.

Blue Zones Launch

The official launch of Blue Zones will occur May 14th at 7 p.m. at Albert Lea Senior High School Auditorium. AARP & Blue Zones will be here to officially launch the “City of Albert Lea Health Makeover.” Explorer, best-selling author, and longevity expert Dan Buettner will tell his story and share lessons he has learned from the world’s longest-lived cultures. Find out why Albert Lea was chosen for the makeover and learn how we can incorporate the nine habits found in the Blue Zones to add years to our own lives. We also get to hear Dr. Brian Wansink (author of ‘Mindless Eating’) who, with his great sense of humor, will present “mindless ways” to eat healthier.

Our goal is to have more than 1,000 people at the kickoff. This is going to be an exciting, multimedia event with the national spotlight on Albert Lea! We are the pilot city — a makeover like this has never been done before. Our story could end up being taken to other cities across the country so they can learn from us how we used the common elements found in the Blue Zones to add to our quantity and quality of life. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity — come and be a part of it!

April events:


Author, explorer and founder of Blue Zones Dan Buettner will speak about his upcoming Quest to Icaria, Greece, at 6:30 p.m. at the Albert Lea High School auditorium.


Breakfast Bowl at Holiday Lanes at 9 a.m.

Saturday and Sunday

Honda Gold Wing Road Riders will be at the Northbridge Mall.

April 10-11

Northbridge Mall Easter events include Bunny Photos and Easter Egg Hunt.

April 16-18

Albert Lea Senior High School presents the spring play “The Nerd.”

April 18

Fountain Lake 5 begins at the Brookside Education Center.

Family Fun Festival will be at the Northbridge Mall.

April 24

Dancing with the Stars at Albert Lea High School.

April 25

Northbridge Mall presents the Albert Lea Promenade.

April 30-May 2

ACT Theatre presents “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum.”

Do you have an event to promote? We provide free welcome bags filled with information for any event, meeting, tournament, festivals and class reunions promoting Albert Lea and the surrounding communities. Local businesses are welcome to place a coupon in the bags for visitors which are very much appreciated by the guests.

Information on the many events and festivals in our community, whether you’re looking for the calendar of events, information on attractions or lists of hotels and restaurants, can be accessed by logging on to our website at to find all the latest in local tourism related information. Stop in at our office in the Northbridge Mall, e-mail or call us at 373-2316.

Susie Petersen is the executive director of the Albert Lea Convention and Visitors Bureau.