Editorial: Unions need to think about all
Published 8:14 am Thursday, May 7, 2009
This could be a tough year for unions with public employees. They face pay negotiations with school, city and county leaders, but this year there are different matters to consider.
The overview is this:
Do unions want to maintain their numbers or do they want to cut members as a result of pay increases for those remaining?
In other words, if unions fight for pay hikes, it will result in layoffs, usually for newer employees.
Unions were forged to build a better life for all workers, but sometimes they lose their way and represent only the interests of the longtime workers.
Unions that deal with the private sector have had the tough choices to make. Unions dealing with the public sector have had it easier.
This year, it’s time for the unions with public employees to swallow their bitter pill.
Thinking about what is best for all the union members, including the newer ones, is what unions need to do.
We’d rather keep all teachers and avoid having layoffs just so teachers with seniority can have raises. The same goes for city workers and county workers.
This will help stretch the available tax dollars in a difficult year.