Where can people go to walk inside?
Published 7:15 pm Thursday, May 28, 2009
There are plenty of great places to walk outdoors in Albert Lea, the favorites being along Fountain Lake or on the Blazing Star Trail. However, there are many times when it rains or snows that people desire to walk indoors.
There are five choices for indoor walking for Albert Lea and nearby residents.
This indoor track at 1705 S.E. Broadway Ave. was formerly a roller skate rink, Gibson’s and later Pamida department stores, and now a part of the Albert Lea Medical Center.
Use of the HealthReach walking track is free. However, use of any of the exercise and fitness equipment in the large room before entering the track area requires a membership fee. Inquire at the main desk for details.
The following policy points have been established by HealthReach:
One, please check with your physician prior to starting an exercise program.
Two, all walkers must sign a waiver at the front desk before using the track and you will receive a policy on use of walking track.
Three, please reserve the front parking spaces for patients.
Four, all walkers must sign in and out at the front podium.
Fifth, on occasion the hours will be changed based on the needs of HealthReach or the Albert Lea Medical Center.
Six, no food or drink is allowed on the track.
Hours of availability at this track are 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
This oblong circular track has four lanes. A sign on the north wall shows 16 laps around the outside lane equals a mile, and 19 laps around the inside lane is the equivalent of a mile. A white line across all four lanes can serve as the start and end for keeping score on the number of laps accomplished.
As a bonus for the walkers on the HealthReach track, there’s a sound system which plays easy-listening music.
Skyline Plaza
Some folks like a little visual variety as they walk indoors. One place with free access where this can be done is at the Skyline Plaza, 1701 W. Main St.
Among the sights that can be seen bordering on the main hall and five wings are the offices and studio of Radio Station KATE, several other offices, a barber shop, hair salon, the Audubon Science Center, Alpha Orthodontics, Hardware Hank, the Moose Lodge, the Senior Center, City & County Employees Credit Union and Jo-Ann Fabrics.
Just about four full rounds in this plaza reportedly equals a mile. Posted hours for the Skyline Plaza are: 7 a.m. to 9 p.m., Monday through Friday; 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday; and 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sunday.
A bonus for this walking area is its location next door to Nelson’s Market Place for a coffee break or breakfast break from 8 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Northbridge Mall
Another place which gives indoor walkers plenty of visual variety is the Northbridge Mall, 2510 N. Bridge Ave. Depending on the time factor, many of the stores in this mall offer window shopping opportunities or access to shopping.
It takes about three full trips or rounds from the entries to ShopKo and Herberger’s and into the four wings or side halls to equal a mile of walking in this mall.
Hours of accessibility in this mall for walkers are 5:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sunday.
There’s a bonus factors for walkers in this mall. One is a rack for coats located just to the left of the inside entry to Herberger’s.
So far the indoor walking places mentioned have free access. However, use of the inside hallway of what’s now Brookside Education Center, 211 W. Richway Drive, will cost $1 for the entire season. A special button can be purchased at the district office.
An explanation of this $1 fee in a Community Education booklet says: “Protect yourself from the weather and join the ‘Brookside Trotters.’ A one-time purchase of a button is required and must be worn when you walk for security purposes. All children must be under your direct supervision at all times. Walkers 5 and up must have a button.”
Hours for use of the first floor hallway are Monday through Friday from 5:15 to 7:15 a.m. and 3:15 to 8:30 p.m. Access to the second floor hallway is not available to the “Brookside Trotters.”
A coat rack and place to change from boots to shoes is provided.
Ten laps equal a mile inside the distinctive building where a walker can’t be cornered in a place where junior high school students once obtained a well-rounded education.
Family Y
What may be the city’s most unusual indoor running/walking track is located at the Family Y, 2021 W. Main St.
This oblong elevated track is around the outside of the gymnasium on the equivalent of a second floor.
Use of this somewhat narrow track, plus the weight room and exercise and fitness equipment has a daily fee of $5 or a Family Y membership. Details are available at the main desk.
This track is for those age 12 and up. It can be used for both walking and jogging.
On Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday the direction of use is counterclockwise. On Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday the direction of use is clockwise.
Doing 15 1/2 laps on this track equals a mile.
Hours at the Family Y up to June 4 are: 5 a.m. to 2 a.m. Monday through Thursday, 5 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. on Friday, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, and 1 to 5 p.m. on Sunday.