Albert Lean attends Minnesota NARFE convention

Published 8:53 am Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Jonathon Green, president and legislative officer of the Minnesota National Active and Retired Federal Employees Chapter 469 of Albert Lea and Austin, along with two others from his chapter, attended the 44th annual state convention of the Minnesota Federation of Chapters of NARFE May 19-21 at the Club House Hotel in Detroit Lakes.

The 92 people in attendance included delegates, members and guests, 12 state officers and two national officers. The total also represented 16 out of 27 Minnesota Federation chapters.

NARFE is one of America’s oldest and largest associations, which protects the earned rights and benefits of America’s active and retired federal workers. NARFE represents the interests of more than 4 million federal employees, retirees, spouses and survivors, making NARFE the largest employee-retiree organization.

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Green is not only the president of Chapter 469, but is also the legislative officer of the local chapter and for the past eight years has served as District 3 field officer of the Minnesota federation. At the convention, he was re-elected as field officer and will continue to serve on the executive board.

At the convention, attendees heard a variety of speakers, including federation officers; Richard Thissen, NARFE Region V national vice president; and Nathaniel Brown, national secretary.

Green was the chairman of the constitution, bylaws and rules committee and provided committee members with instruction on how to make successful resolutions for submission on the state and federal level. He also chaired the District 3 caucus.

Next year’s convention will be Rochester.

For more information on NARFE, call Green at 373-8113.