Career politics hurt health care hopes

Published 9:20 am Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Why do citizens vote for a specific politician? Why do politicians vote for or against specific issues? On the surface it appears as Civics 101. Beneath the surface lies social psychology. Further down lurks something quite sinister.

A panel of political analysts were discussing current events. The topic turned to health care, the issue being President Obama’s problem of selling the idea of health-care reform to conservatives in Washington and across America.

At one point one panelist’s remark struck me. He said conservatives in Washington want universal health-care but, they are fearful that, in the end, it will be successful; and thus they resist voting in favor. But why the fear of success? Because, politically, success of universal health-care would destroy their long held linear argument against reform, which in turn may destroy their political career. Thus, once again, politicians are willing to literally sacrifice the lives of their constituents in favor of their own political selfishness.

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Career politics is a mistake. It is a petri dish for stagnation, mis-representation, pork-barreling, elitism. And as this country drifts further and further into plutocracy the danger of career politics becomes a threat to average Americans. Spineless politicians who fear voting their conscious due to Party pressure and long term careers betray any trust that yet may linger. Shame be upon them, and the voting public for tolerating these unethical professional politicians.

Patrick Cunningham

Twin Lakes