Couple struck by disaster yet again

Published 10:25 am Friday, June 19, 2009

Steve and Lana Clark are thankful for their lives after a natural disaster devastated their home for the second time in five years.

Married for eight years, the couple’s first home in the Cedardale Addition was destroyed by the 2004 flood. They relocated to a new home at 23550 542nd Ave., bringing a garage with them.

“Eight years, and this is our second disaster,” Steve said through tears Thursday morning. “We basically just got everything in.”

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As a tornado descended on the residential neighborhood north of Austin Wednesday night, the Clarks rushed their two nieces to the basement. Steve and one of their dogs, however, were left behind in their detached garage, which contained two cars — one on a hoist.

Steve clung to a welder for dear life and was knocked to the floor as the winds ripped the roof off the building and blew out the walls. Just recovering from surgery, he learned after a visit to the hospital he will now need another on his wrist tendons.

The Clarks were still attempting to contact their insurance company early today. Trees were downed, windows were broken and outdoor furniture was missing from their yard. Their home also sustained water damage from the second story to the basement. By coincidence, they had decided to move their new car from the detached garage to one close to their home.

“I’m thankful he’s alive,” Lana said. “This stuff can be replaced.”

“We’re going to start over,” Steve said. “We’re not going to give up.”