Domestic Engineers meet

Published 10:06 am Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Domestic Engineers met May 28 in the home of Sharon Jahnke. Twelve members were present.

President Perky Smith opened the meeting.

Phyllis Hamborg read the secretary’s report. Program people for the scholarship luncheon are Gail Thurnau and Mary Wayne, not Margo Wayne as previously stated.

Email newsletter signup

Final plans were made and reported on for the scholarship luncheon on July 21. All Freeborn County Learning Circle members will receive information this event.

Jahnke reported on plans for the one-day trip to be held June 26. The group will be going to Elysian this year.

Carol Olson presided over installation of officers. New officers are: President Elaine Baer, Vice President Neva Matheson, Secretary Jean McCarthy and Treasurer Gen Montei. Olson will serve as sunshine officer and historian and Perky Smith will be councilor.