Halverson School names Hallway Legends

Published 9:02 am Saturday, July 18, 2009

Halverson Elementary School named its first Hallway Legends in 2008-2009, recognizing the artistic talents of third-grader Carine Rofshus and sixth-grade Christina Olvera. The school started the art contest to encourage creativity and innovation, as well as emphasizing the importance of the arts. Students voted on a name for the contest, selecting “Halverson Hallway Legends.”

Under the direction of art instructor Cammie Tennis, all Halverson students had an opportunity to create pieces during art class for the contest. Three art professionals from outside the school selected winners from two categories, grades K-3 and grades 4-6.

Principal Del Stein announced the winners on June 2 after a choir concert attended by all Halverson students. Each winner received a plaque, with their artwork reproduced on it, to take home. Their artwork was professionally framed and will hang in the main Halverson hallway until they graduate from high school, when the winners take ownership of their pieces. As modeled after an art contest at Hawthorne Elementary, Halverson plans to hold the legends contest every school year.

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SPIRIT, the parent-teacher organization at Halverson, provided funding for the framing and plaques, and thanks Frames R Us and Trophy Showcase for their contributions.