Have some respect for the environment

Published 9:15 am Wednesday, July 22, 2009

This is an open letter to both the children responsible and the parents that aren’t.

Yesterday while walking the Blazing Star Trail I was saddened to see that there have been many trails carved into the wooded area by irresponsible bike riders. They have killed many trees and plants making ramps jumps and open space to play in. I walked this area and found at least a trash bag full of bottles, cans and assorted garbage. If you are going to kill the environment for your own enjoyment, please for the sake of everyone, clean up after yourself.

If you have children that you let wander around unattended, take a few minutes and teach them some respect for everyone else and the environment. If you are to blame for this, please learn to be a responsible trail rider so you don’t take away the ability for the rest of us to enjoy the sport.

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Michael Johannsen

Albert Lea