V.F.W. Auxiliary

Published 8:30 am Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Freemond Madson Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary 447 met at the Legion Hall Aug. 10 with President Eunice Hatleli presiding.

Three auxiliary members had attended the V.F.W. First District organizational meeting at Owatonna Aug. 1 and brought back information and some awards for the auxiliary earned in 2008-09. Awards included: Certificate of appreciation for our donation to the Marcella Arnold nursing scholarship fund, Patriotic Pen Award and citation; award and citation of merit for donations to the cancer aid and research fund; third place in community service; and third place in community service publicity. Shirley Pichner, district V.F.W. auxiliary president from Owatonna, presided at that meeting.

The regular district meeting will be Oct. 3 at V.F.W. Rice County 1562, Faribault.

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The draping of the charter was held in memory of sisters Rosella Weber, Agnes Prantner, Lois Thisius and Past District President Mae Odette.

The auxiliiary will again host a membership luncheon at the American Legion on Tuesday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. It is free to paid-up members and life members also and will cost $6 for guests. The bakeless bake sale donations may be donated that day and your $15 yearly dues will be accepted by Treasurer Beverly Boone or if not attending please send to her at 904 James Ave.

Jayne Vairma has again crocheted a white lace tablecloth for the auxiliary to use as a fundraiser. The chances for the tablecloth will begin that day with drawing to continue to Dec. 14.

The cancer pin for this year is two hearts conjoined. They will be available at the luncheon, “Hearts Reaching Out.”

The V.F.W. Department of Minnesota will hold its fall conference in Willmar, Sept. 25 to 27. Department President Paty Thrond of Emmons will preside.

Closing ceremonies were held. Door prize was won Beverly Boone. Marcia Petersen served lunch.

The next regular meeting will be at the Legion Hall at 7 p.m. on Sept. 14.