Letter writer should cite her sources

Published 7:55 am Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I was startled by my friend Nancy Overgaard’s statement (Sept. 17) that HR 3200 proposed putting abortion and Planned Parenthood clinics in schools. So I went to thomas.loc.gov, clicked on the bill’s link at the top of the page, then clicked “text of legislation” (where one and all can read the text of the bill). I read Division C (Public Health & Welfare Development), Title V (Other Provisions), Subtitle B, which outlines school-based health clinics and didn’t see anything that would support such a statement.

The researcher in me demands specific sources. I would appreciate a citation, whether to the bill or outside analysis, when people make statements about what any bill says. Identifying sources would greatly help quash much of the misinformation circulating around the health care debate.

Cathy Porter

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Albert Lea