Volunteers help make successful county fair
Published 9:06 am Saturday, September 5, 2009
With the coming and going of the county fair, it is easy to forget to thank those volunteers who helped make the county fair run smoothly. Throughout 4-H, there are many opportunities for adults to volunteer their time to help out the 4-H program. County fair is one of the biggest times when volunteers are utilized.
Volunteers start out by helping right away on Monday before fair during the entry and judging day of projects and also help out in the barns with bedding and stalling of animals.
Tuesday starts out with the many animals getting weighed or checked in, along with the many livestock shows that go on all week. The livestock shows take many volunteers to help take pictures, hand out ribbons, mark placings on cards, and line up 4-H’ers for the show rings. There are also volunteers who will help with anything needed. They will step up if no one else is willing and will help out.
Not only do these volunteers take off work and take the time to help out the 4-H program, but they do not ask for anything in return but a mere thank you.
On behalf of the 4-H program staff, we would like to thank all of our many volunteers who help make county fair run smoothly. We appreciate all of your hard work and your time you dedicate to the Freeborn County 4-H Program.
Here is a list why you should volunteer for a local organization:
10: It’s good for you.
9: It saves resources.
8: It brings people together.
7: It is something to keep you busy.
6: It promotes personal growth and self esteem.
5: It strengthens community.
4: You can learn a lot and/or share your knowledge with others.
3: You can give back to that organization.
2: It encourages civic responsibility.
1: You can make a difference.
Megan Thorson is a coordinator for the Freeborn County 4-H program.