When life is insecure, people want answers

Published 8:50 am Friday, October 30, 2009

The world today is filled with uncertainty and anxiety. Economic markets, societal change, wars and rumors of wars are but a few of the realities that cause people to be concerned about the future and for that matter whether there will be a future.

There are indeed many things that one might be worried about in these days but such feelings and emotions should not be played upon by unscrupulous individuals in every arena of life. Adversity and challenges often bring out the very best among human beings. There can appear genuine concern for other people and their needs and a true desire to bring about improvement for everyone. On the other hand such circumstances also bring out those whose only interest it to take advantage of others in a time of anxiety and difficulty. Unfortunately, it is the latter voices that often seem to be the most logical, plausible, and inviting because they offer answers that do not exist to questions that have little merit or connection to the realities of existence.

When life is insecure, people want answers. People want rational explanations that can be held on to while all of the rest of life seems to be in turmoil. Even well intentioned answers may not do what was hoped for or anticipated if the answers are based upon traditions of falsehood that contain little factual information. Frequently heard can be such answers as “the Bible says” or depending upon one’s tradition “Luther says” or “the Vatican says.” Such references may at times have value but in fact each has its own limitations that must be understood in the context in which the assurance is being given.

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Considering the rates of biblical illiteracy that prevail in this country as well as words from Luther or the Vatican or any other human source that can be shown to be destructive and oppressive without any glimpse of the Gospel, one might very well be suspect of anyone who begins what they have to say with such introductory phrases. Throughout the ages much harm was done in “defense” of faith or religion. Unfortunately, such behavior has not ended even in these days.

In these uncertain times as much as ever it is important for us to test the spirits around us that would give us simplistic answers to very complex problems and would assure us that somehow they are purer and closer to God than anyone or anything else. In the testing we will reconnect with the unchanging love that God has revealed and poured out upon the face of the whole world. We will be humble in receiving it and we will be confident in living it for the sake of the whole world.