Where is compassion in the name calling?
Published 7:53 am Monday, October 19, 2009
I have been reading all of those articles written by the Republicans. Some are true and some are untruths and propaganda. One talks about their people having compassion, but they were writing up petitions against President Obama about guns and health care that were mostly untruths at their fair booth. Obama doesn’t want to take away anyone’s guns unless they are assault rifles. Where is the compassion?
Also people went by our fair booth calling our workers “Commies” and “Nazis,” and one looked back at Obama’s picture and said a seven-letter word starting with B. Where is the compassion?
They think unions are the reason our country lost jobs, but Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush did everything they could to try and get rid of unions, who are only trying to get a fair wage for their workers.
Also the Bush administration sent down orders for banks to give loans to people with no down payment and for houses they in no way afford to make the payments in the first place. No rules or regulations.
Where is the compassion?
What about Bush borrowing all the money for the war and nothing ever paid back, no one had to sacrifice anything except our soldiers and their families. Where is the compassion?
One statement I do agree with is that we as senior citizens have to speak up about the health care that we want because of Medicare going to be cut by 30 percent. We don’t have a lot of the health care people working anymore because of the cuts made by Gov. Tim Pawlenty. I tried to get an appointment once last month and once this month and couldn’t get one and was always sent to urgent care.
I firmly believe that we need a public option or there will be no reform taking place, because the same insurance companies will still be telling their clients what they can do and what they can’t do.
Rose Anderson
Albert Lea