Editorial: Time to remake travel plans
Published 7:37 am Wednesday, December 23, 2009
You wanted a white Christmas? Well, it appears we’re going to get it.
By the time you read this editorial, a snowstorm should be descending on Albert Lea with intentions to stay until Friday afternoon. It is expected to bring more than a foot of snow, adding to the mountain of snow that already has fallen on southern Minnesota.
Our advice is to stay off the roads today, Thursday and Friday.
This Christmas season provides plenty of time for people to spend with loved ones. We get two three-day weekends in a row. Indeed spend Christmas Eve and Christmas Day at home with the immediate family. Wait until Saturday to go see relatives or, better yet, reschedule plans for New Year’s Day.
The first responders have families, too. Getting in a wreck because you just had to travel is not the way to wish season’s greetings to the people who save you from being stuck in a ditch.
Your family will understand if the plans are altered.