Keep the adult library open

Published 7:26 am Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A priority of the Albert Lea Library should be keeping the adult library open. Why spend on items and shut the doors? The second-floor non-circulating is critical. Computers seem to be an important current need.

With a staff of nine full-time-equivalent hours, a plan with two shifts of four people 40 hours each should cover 80 hours a week. With hours 8:45 a.m. to 9:15 p.m. Monday to Saturday and 1 to 5 p.m. on Sunday.

Limited service times can be set up, but open hours with minimal staff should be maximized. Fewer people in back, more out front. Open as soon as staff arrives. The adult library needs a better open self service reference section as well as other ways to stretch staff. (STS etc.) (Close kids’ library early.) (Get interns.) (RSVP.) (Private grants.)

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Staff cuts should keep hours as long as possible and eight FTE to get an open 80 hours is less then half the hours in a week is a priority! With a smaller budget the Albert Lea YMCA has longer hours. (96 hrs a week!) We need better plans now to utilize staff and maximize library hours. Less staff per shift can safely cover more time so seven days a week can be covered. The time to act is now!

Tom Schleck

Albert Lea