Luther College show was wonderful

Published 8:00 am Wednesday, January 20, 2010

On Jan. 11, I had the wonderful privilege to attend the Dorian Vocal Music Festival at Luther College. This was the 60th year for this great event. This is the largest festival of its kind in our country. There were 292 high schools represented from five states with 1,325 high school students participating. These students spent three days practicing with some of the most prestigious music directors.

Words cannot express the emotions when all 1,325 young men and women sang together, followed by the women singing separately and then the men.

More than 350 of these students qualified to audition for vocal solos. The top five of these soloists were selected to perform as well. It was hard to believe that the quality of music they performed was coming from high school students.

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Diane Heaney took six of her choral students to this event. All six were part of the 110-person select Chamber Choir. We are so blessed in District 241 to have Ms. Heaney as our choral music director.

These students provide several concerts each year plus the wonderful spring musical play. Year after year we enjoy the Chorale, the Caroliers, the Tiger Choir and the Varsity Choir. Soon the Show Choir competition will be held here at our high school with schools from a wide area participating. This is some of the best entertainment found anywhere

These experiences, for these students, are life-enhancing experiences.

Thank you, Diane and District 241, for the opportunity to grow healthy, talented young people.

Maureen Ruble

Albert Lea