Precinct caucuses welcome voters

Published 6:54 am Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Our great nation was founded more than 225 years ago on the precept that each individual should have the right and duty to be involved in the law of the land. This concept has endured and been expanded upon throughout our history. There is no better way to exercise one’s duty in an effort to preserve the freedoms we enjoy than to participate in the upcoming precinct caucus.

What is a precinct caucus? The basic purpose of the caucus is to give party members a chance to be heard and to hear the views of others. It is the first step in the process that ultimately adopts the state party platform, selects the party’s officers and endorses candidates for the state and national offices. It is a group of neighbors who share a common concern for the operation and policies of local, state, and federal government. The caucus offers voters their first opportunity to express a preference for candidates who will be on the ballot next November. Also delegates will be elected to the county convention to be held in late February. Persons interested in becoming delegates from their precinct should be asking their neighbors for support and nomination.

Throughout the history of our nation the enthusiasm for being involved in the political process has had its peaks and valleys. When we are threatened by a foreign power or confronted with economic chaos, the tendency is to be more active. At other times we become more placid and develop an attitude of “Let the other fellow make the effort.” Never in history has our nation been confronted with more long-term and short-term problems than face us today. Now is the time for you to have your input by attending the caucus of your choice.

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Precinct caucuses will be held by the party of your choice this next Tuesday, Feb. 2. Candidate review/registration will begin at 6:30 to 7 p.m. with the caucus officially begins at 7 p.m. The Republican Party caucus will meet at the Albert Lea Senior High School, 2003 Tiger Lane. The DFL caucus will meet at the Moose Club, Skyline Plaza, 1623 W. Main St.

Come and be a part of the political process from the grass roots up.

Charles R. Foster

Albert Lea