Why not volunteer at your museum this year?

Published 9:12 am Saturday, January 23, 2010

This column is being written from sunny California where we are on vacation. By the time you are reading this, we (Arnie and I) will be back in Minnesota, but for now, picture a blue, blue sky, temperatures in the 60s and many boats in the horizon.

We had barely arrived at our room when my phone rang and the cheery voice of Marion Ross said, “Are you here and how was your trip?”

Marion sends her best to everyone in Albert Lea. We will be spending a day with Marion and Paul later in the week at their home near San Diego.

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We are planning to just relax, do some sightseeing, maybe a little shopping, reading, and I will be planning the calendar for the museum for 2010. Having some time away gives me the opportunity to reflect on what we accomplished in 2009 and what I hope to accomplish in 2010. This year will be another busy one with many new projects and events and the launch of our building addition campaign. The Freeborn County Historical Society board and I will be meeting with the architects when I return and will hopefully have plans to share soon with the community.

I would like to welcome two new FCHS board members, Paul Anderson and Keith Fligge. I look forward to working with them, as well as the current FCHS board members who are: Robert Bailey, Jody Bowron, Terry Cochran, Todd Domke, Jennifer Erickson, Phil Hintermeister, Larry Hopkey, Sonja Johnson, Jennifer Levisen, Kathy Muilenburg, Dick Nelson and Bruce Olson.

I want to thank all of you that have renewed your FCHS memberships for 2010. A household membership is only $25. Any donation above that is tax deductible.

If you have not renewed, now is the time in order to assure that you will not miss any of our newsletters. You may send your check to 1031 Bridge Ave., Albert Lea, or you may stop at the museum during our regular hours, Tuesday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The museum will be hosting a four-hour refresher AARP defensive driving class on Saturday, Feb. 20. The class is from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and the cost is $19. You do need to register for the class. You will receive your certificate the day you complete the class.

On Sunday, Feb. 21, we will be hosting a special exhibit to honor the 100th anniversary of Boy Scouts of America. The museum will be open from 1 to 4 p.m. There will be special exhibits throughout the museum relating to Scouting and we will serve coffee, lemonade and cookies. Children 11 and under and all Boy Scouts will have free admission, for all others, admission will be $1. Please join us and help celebrate this special time in the history of Scouting.

We are planning other special events at the museum during the coming year that will take place on the weekends to allow those of you that work during the week the opportunity to visit the museum and to participate in a variety of our activities.

We are always looking for new grants to apply for and new opportunities to work with other organizations throughout our community. We will be implementing some new programs this year and are always open to hearing new ideas. If you are looking for a new volunteer opportunity, please stop by the museum and I will be happy to visit with you about the different volunteer positions available throughout our complex.

If you belong to an organization that would like to take on a project of some kind, think of us, whether it would be shoveling snow, painting a building, caring for a flower bed, mowing the museum grounds or some other one-time project. We would also be happy to host a tour or program for your group or organization at the museum. Call 373-8003 for more information.

Have a great week and remember: What happens today will be history tomorrow! Some things that we take for granted today would have been quite important to those in the past. What will be important to future generations?

Pat Mulso is the executive director of the Freeborn County Historical Museum in Albert Lea.