Are Democrats worst than terrorists?
Published 8:49 am Tuesday, February 9, 2010
A couple weeks ago I turned on my TV and Allen Quist was all over the news networks. (Mr. Quist is trying to replace our congressman, Tim Walz, as southern Minnesota’s representative in Washington.)
And just what was the source of Mr. Quist’s sudden notoriety? Quist said Democrats and liberals are worse than terrorists. Yes, you read that right: worse than terrorists. My first thought was, “What’s wrong with this guy?”
Could Quist truly be so filled with hate for some of his fellow Americans, the very people he wants to represent in Congress, that he feels compelled to say they are worse than terrorists? Or maybe he just doesn’t take the threat of terrorism seriously enough?
Hearing about Mr. Quist and his statements got me thinking about Congressman Walz. Since Walz is someone Quist refers to as a “liberal,” I have to assume that he is one of those Quist considers “worse than terrorists.”
So I did my own research and found out Rep. Walz retired as a command sergeant major after 24 years in the National Guard and is the highest ranking enlisted man ever to serve in Congress.
It seems to me, for Quist to be taking cheap shots at a man like Walz, just tells me a lot about Allen Quist. I’ll take a man like Tim Walz over so-called critics like Quist any day.
Especially on Election Day.
Chris Tubbs