Editorial: The right to smoke with kids in the car

Published 8:21 am Thursday, March 18, 2010

There goes the government again, trying to take away our rights.

This time, a bill at the Capitol would outlaw smoking in cars with kids.

Just think of all the children riding in the back seat who will no longer have fond memories of asking their parents to roll down the windows, only to get frozen with a blast of winter air.

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This is clearly an example of where private enterprise can find a solution much better than government can. Perhaps smokers who avoid smoking while the kids are in the car could get a free pack of cigarettes.

Heck, we grew up with parents who smoked in the car and we turned out just fine. This measure clearly is not needed.

Here’s another idea: Why not use that tobacco settlement money to come up with incentives instead of passing a law? Develop a quit-smoking-in-the-car program.

The legislation would prohibit smoking in vehicles where children under 18 years old are present. Fortunately for us red-blooded Minnesotan Americans, officers could not write tickets unless the driver was pulled over for another reason.

So parents, if you wish to continue smoking with your kids in the back, just make sure you are not violating any other traffic laws.

Darn government, trying to take away our freedoms. Let’s hope this measure doesn’t pass.

Cough. Cough.