Orchestras perform

Published 8:30 am Thursday, March 25, 2010

On March 16, the Albert Lea orchestras performed at Albert Lea High School. The program started off with everyone, grades 6-12, performing a fiddle piece, “I’se the B’y.” This piece was taught to the students in same way that fiddle music was taught in the past, by rote. First they learned to sing the song, then they learned to play the melody, then the high school and Southwest students learned the harmony. Finally, they put it all together.

The concert was also the concert debut for the Southwest Chamber Orchestra. This group has performed while people entered for the winter concert at Southwest, at Northbridge Mall during Christmas time and for career day at Southwest.

The high school chamber orchestra, Southwest orchestra and high school orchestra all performed.

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The ALHS orchestra will perform on May 21 in the high school auditorium and Southwest will perform on May 18 in the Southwest gym along with the band and choir.