Pack 105 holds Blue and Gold Banquet

Published 9:30 am Saturday, March 27, 2010

Cub Scout Pack 105 recently held its annual Blue and Gold Banquet at St. Theodore Catholic Church. Pack 105 is sponsored by the Albert Lea unit of the Knights of Columbus.

In honor of the 100th Anniversary of Cub Scouting in the United States, the evening was opened by the singing of the Johnny Appleseed Grace led by Paula Nuessmeier. A potluck dinner was then shared by all. A short program and award ceremony was then led by Cubmaster Janice Stensrude.

Scott Gryzbowski of Troop 105 led the flag ceremony with Keith Gryzbowski and Brandon Johnson as the flag bearers.

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Naomi Hill of Cargill Value Added Meats was on hand to present the Cargill Cares Volunteer Award to Debra Schatz for her dedication to Cub Scouting. Of the over 159,000 employees worldwide of Cargill, only 31 were selected for this award this past quarter. To recognize Debra’s commitment to community, Cargill also contributed $1,000 to the Twin Valley Council District office.

Nuessmeier, district executive for Southern Trails, gave a presentation on Friends of Scouting. Support through this campaign provides programs and services in the Twin Valley Council.

As part of the showman activity pin requirements, the first-year Webelos put on a short performance under the guidance of their showman counselor. Crystal Schatz. Keith Gryzbowski, Brandon Johnson, Justin Larscheid and Nathan Reichl put on a short skit titled “Four Directions,” using tube puppets and later sang the folk song “This Land is Your Land” by Woody Guthrie using paper sack puppets.

The Wolf den of Mason Rogert, Aaron Senholtz, Landon Power and Noah Hanson put on a short skit titled “Two Miners.” The Bear den of Mattison Glaser and Kasey Manges entertained us with a variety of jokes.

Awards were presented to the boys for all their hard work so far this year. The Wolf den boys received their Wolf badges and Gold and Silver arrow points. The Bear den boys received their Bear badges and Gold and Silver arrow points. The Webelos den boys received their Webelos badge; activity pins for Citizen, Fitness, Engineer and Traveler, and belt loops for Citizen, Geography, and Map and Compass Academic Achievement.

Upcoming events were discussed and the evening was concluded with the retiring of the flags by the Color Guard.