It’s time to elect Demmer to Congress
Published 1:05 pm Saturday, September 18, 2010
Monica Crowley “hit the nail right on the head” when going through her talking points on the “O’Reilly Factor” last week. Her points included the fact that many Americans are very upset with what has been going on in our country since Barack Obama became president. Since the Democrats took the White House and the Congress, each day we’ve awakened to some new horror.
She emphasized the fact that many Americans are mad about all the money blown on “stimulus” that did nothing to stimulate the private economy and are mad about the high unemployment rate, the high annual deficit and the massive national debt that are growing extremely fast under Democrat rule since the last election. People are angry about the new health care law’s $500 billion cost over 10 years, according to the American Enterprise Institute, and the destruction of the best health care system in the world.
Americans are mad about the slimy backroom dirty dealings and the party-line shenanigans the Democrats used to ram the health care bill through. Many Americans are outraged about the Justice Department’s lawsuit against Arizona for trying to enforce illegal immigration laws and are worried about a foreign policy that appeases our enemies, insults our friends and is generally a dangerous mess.
People are angry about monstrously long legislation that nobody reads before inflicting it on the American people. Many Americans are incredulous about the “cap and trade” energy bill, which would amount to the most massive tax increase in the history of the world.
People are angry that the president rails against “special interests” but buys off the biggest special interest, the unions, with tens of billions of taxpayer dollars. Many Americans are angry about far-left judges cavalierly dismissing the will of the people and are mad as heck about an arrogant leadership that refuses to listen to frustrated and concerned Americans even as it exponentially expands government in direct violation of what the founding fathers wanted for this country. Monica Crowley expressed herself well.
Congressman Tim Walz has consistently supported this congressional leadership and the administration in expanding the federal government at breakneck speed. Walz has advocated for trillions of dollars in new taxes, spending and debt, encouraged creation of new entitlement programs and supported unprecedented government intervention in the financial, health care and energy industries.
You can do something to turn things around in Congress for the better again. It’s time to elect Randy Demmer as our congressman in the 1st Congressional District. Check out his web page at He will work to stop the growth and expansion of government, and he will work to increase job creation in the private sector and promote personal responsibility over government oversight.
Sybil Broskoff
Freeborn County
Republican Party
Albert Lea